JSC "MILVITEKA" search for new foreign markets and development of existing markets

UAB MILVITEKA has implemented a project to increase the company's competitiveness. The main task of the project was the search for new foreign export markets and the development of existing markets. During the project UAB MILVITEKA participated in 4 international exhibitions in Latvia, Finland and Germany. They presented the company and its products. The implementation of the project will contribute to the growth of exports and total turnover, growth of the company's competitiveness and further business development. The start of the project – November 2018, end - June 2021. Project no. 03.2.1-LVPA-K-801-05-0023 “UAB MILVITEKA Search for New Foreign Markets and Development of Existing Markets” partially financed under 2014–2020 European Union Funds Investment Operational Program priority 3 of the “Promotion of Small and Medium Business Competitiveness” tool "New Opportunities LT". The project received EUR 20,736 funding from the European Regional Development Fund.