Grain transportation and processing systems

Bucket elevators (Norias)

Bucket elevators – equipment designed for vertical transportation of a product. Elevators of this type do not mechanically damage seeds, work quietly, low power consumption compared to screw or pneumatic conveyors.

Transportation speed, type of shovels, mark of belt is selected by product’s type.

Standard assembly of a bucket elevator:

  • a housing is painted black metal or galvanized steel sheet;
  • quickly depreciated surfaces are lined with friction-resistant plastic;
  • a drive – motoreducers of parallel cylindrical shafts;
  • UCF, UCP-type bearings.

Productivity of the bucket elevators manufactured by UAB “Milviteka” is from 2 to 1000 t/h. Bucket elevators of higher efficiency are manufactured according to an individual order.

Bucket elevators